Contact Us
First & Last Name *
Business Email *
Phone Number *
Additional comments *
Tell Us About Your Startup
Referred By
Company Name *
Website *
Company Email Address *
CEO / CoFounder(s) *
Number of Full Time Employees *
Product Name *
Describe Your Company Elevator Pitch in 300 characters *
what is your Current Revenue *
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Tell Us About Your Target Market
What Core Market Does your Product Serve? *
What is your unique value proposition? *
What is the identified TAM in Dollars? *
List the top 5 prospects (company) you would like to connect with
Do you have any collaborations helping take your product to market? I.e. Consultants with experience, retainer
List your top competitor and their product (at least 1 is required) *
Describe your ideal exit strategy *
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Fundraising to date
Description of any fundraising to date
what is your target and what are the terms?
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